MainSocietyIssuesChurch-State Relations › Supreme Council of the Gentile Hellenes

Supreme Council of the Gentile Hellenes

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: The official site of the SCGH, for the defence and legalization of the ancient ethnic Hellenic tradition and the separation of the Greek State from the Orthodox Church.
¾ðáôï Óõìâïýëéï ôùí ÅëëÞíùí Åèíéêþí
Size: 314 chars

Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 1231273536


Page title:¾ðáôï Óõìâïýëéï ôùí ÅëëÞíùí Åèíéêþí
Keywords:ÅëëçíéêÞ, ÅèíéêÞ, ÐáñÜäïóç, Èñçóêåßá, ÄùäåêÜèåï, ÐÜíèåïí, Ìõèïëïãßá, Ðáãáíéóìüò, Ðïëõèåúóìüò, Èåüò, èåïß, Áðüëëùí, Äßáò, Æåýò, ÁèçíÜ, Äéüíõóïò, hellenic, greek, religion, tradition, pagan, polytheism, Zeus, Apollo, Dionysus, Pan, god, gods, dodekatheo, dodecatheo, heathen, hellenism
Description:ãéá ôç ÄéÜóùóç êáé ÁíÜäåéîç ôçò ÁëçèéíÞò ÅëëçíéêÞò Ðáñáäüóåùò êáé ÅëëçíéêÞò èñçóêåßáò