Church-State Relations
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- Doctrinal Errors of Dignitatis Humanae, The
- A group of self-described traditional Catholics take issue with the Second Vatican Council's teachings on religious freedom.
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- Earth Religions Assistance Pages
- Index of resources for practitioners of Earth Religions who are experiencing religious discrimination.
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- International Coalition for Religious Freedom
- A non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending the religious freedom of all, regardless of creed, gender or ethnic origin.
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- Religion, Politics, and the State
- Subtitled "Cross-Cultural Observations", an article by N.J. Demerath and Karen S. Straight in Cross Currents that discusses various religion-state models in "Eastern" and "Western" countries.
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- America's Christian Heritage Week
- Argues that the United States should be recognized as a Christian nation.
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- America's Godly Heritage
- Argues that the wall of separation between church and state is uni-directional, and that America should be "a nation whose laws are self-consciously built on the laws and principles of the Bible."
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- National Legal Foundation
- A non-profit Christian constitutional litigation firm and policy think tank committed to restoring America's Biblical foundations.
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- Social Issues & Government [ChristianAnswers.Net]
- Includes question-and-answer sections on "Government and Politics" and "America's Christian Heritage".
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- Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
- Includes mission statement, issues, weblog and events calendar, as well as information about supporting bodies and links to resources about church-state separation.
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- First Amendment, à la Carte: Freedom of Religion is Freedom From!
- Lists several news events that raise the church-state issue, asks if government should be involved in religious affairs, and comments on the US Constitution.
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- Liberty Magazine
- Dedicated to the preservation of the separation of church and state with an emphasis on the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the US Constitution. Online version includes archived versions beginning with the May/June 1997 issue.
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- Separation of Church and State - The Constitutional Principle
- Discusses the legal, historical and political/social evidence in support of church-state separation.
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- ADL: Education
- Information about Anti-Defamation League programs and initiatives for promoting diversity, combating anti-Semitism, remembering the Holocaust, and other topics in schools.
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- Can Public Schools Be Religiously Neutral?
- Argues that secular humanism is the "religion" currently being taught in public schools, and that the schools should therefore be open to all major religions.
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- Challenging Religious Education
- This site promotes the view that religious education (RE) in schools in England and Wales should encourage pupils to learn a faith as opposed to learn about faiths.
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- National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools
- A program to bring a state-certified elective Bible course, "The Bible as History and Literature", into the public high schools in the U.S. Provides streaming video, endorsements, and articles covering historical and legal issues, as well as related links.
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- Public School Prayer Persecution
- Presents arguments why prayer should not be permitted in public schools, and criticism of Christian conservatives.
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- Religion and the Community School
- Discusses the experiences of one teacher with the intersection of the community school model with the desire of a community to include Christian teachings in their public school's activities.
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- Religion in U.S. Public Schools
- Presents both sides of the issue on religious activities in schools, with essays on current legal decisions.
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