On This Day in History
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- Born on this Day in History
- A searchable database of 80,000 famous people by day of birth, name, and fame. Also offers daily quotations, famous creative women section, and quote lookup.
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- BrainyHistory - Today in History
- What happened on each day in history. Thousands of events going back 2000 years.
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- Chambers The Book of Days
- The searchable text version of Robert Chambers 1864 work The Book of Days.
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- Daily Bleed Calendar
- Daily calendar of historical events to be remembered by political progressives and radicals.
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- Historic Events and Birthdates that Occurred on a Selected Month and Year
- Celebrity birthdays and various world events in a given month and year.
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- HistoryOrb.com
- Searchable archive of important events, famous births and deaths spanning hundreds of years. Articles on specific historical events and broad trends.
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- IISH Today in History
- Historical facts illustrated by items from the collections of IISH, NEHA and Press Museum.
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- It's History
- Find out what happened on this day in history. A ten megabyte fully searchable database of events, births and deaths for any day in history.
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- ThisDayThatYear.com
- Happenings from history including birthdays and death dates of popular personalities, innovative and scientific events.
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- Today in the Historical Sciences
- A calendar of anniversaries in geology, evolutionary biology, historical linguistics, historical geography, archeology, cosmology, and other sciences that study the past.
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- Today-in-History
- Historical events, birthdates, holidays and religious observances around the world. Pages for 'any month of any year' or 'any date' for historical facts listings. Daily quotation.
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- Ward's Book of Days
- What happened on this day in history. Anniversaries, famous birthdays and critical events.
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- dMarie Time Capsule
- Enables users to create printable "Time Capsules" for any date from 1800 to 2001, although "data for the years 1800 - 1875 is probably spotty."
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