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Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society

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Description: An organization dedicated to furthering the honor and integrity of Thomas Jefferson, and to promoting his vision and ideas, and their application in our times and in the future.
Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society Purposes of the Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society To further the honor and integrity of Thomas Jefferson, and to promote his vision and ideas and their application in our times and in the future.
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Page title:Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society
Keywords:Thomas Jefferson, Sally Hemings, Paris baby, Madison Hemings, Eston Hemings, Jefferson notes, Jefferson image, Woodson DNA, Scholars Commission, John Wayles, Martha Jefferson, Randolph Jefferson, James Callender, Act to Establish Religious Freedom, University of Virginia, Rotunda, Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, Peter Jefferson, John Marshall, Jefferson's Rock, Poplar Forest, Banastre Tarleton, James Madison, Louisiana purchase, James Monroe, Montpelier, Ash Lawn-Highland, College of William and Mary, Monticello, Jefferson DNA, Hemings DNA, Jefferson slavery, DNA and Hemings, Jefferson- Hemings controversy, Monticello Association, Jefferson religious freedom, Jefferson's tombstone, description on Jefferson tombstone, Thomas Jefferson lawyer, Thomas Jefferson chronology, world of Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson and medicine, Jefferson and architecture, scholars commission report
Description:Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society. Sally Hemings. Monticello. Religious Freedom.