By Region
- 941
- Thomas Jefferson Online: Archives
- Jefferson's most important and controversial writings, and transcripts of 24 interviews conducted for Ken Burns' documentary.
- 942
- Declaration of Independence
- View and sign the Declaration of Independence. Includes the Bill of Rights and links to other American historical documents.
- 943
- History and Transcript of the Declaration of Independence
- Learn about the history of the Declaration and read the entire Transcript.
- 944
- Teaching the Declaration of Independence. ERIC Digest.
- Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name dealing with ways that instructors can teach the Declaration of Independence.
- 947
- Poplar Forest
- "Jefferson enjoyed "the solitude of a hermit" at his year-round retreat near Lynchburg, Virginia". History, restoration and events at Jefferson's second home.
- 948
- The Jefferson Literary and Debating Society
- Based at the University of Virginia, the oldest continuously existing collegiate debating society in North America.
- 949
- The Monticello Association
- This association of descendants of Thomas Jefferson look after the gravesite of Jefferson and determine who gets buried there.
- 950
- Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society
- An organization dedicated to furthering the honor and integrity of Thomas Jefferson, and to promoting his vision and ideas, and their application in our times and in the future.
- 951
- Andrew Jackson
- Provides a biography of the American President Andrew Jackson. Includes his portrait and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
- 953
- Andrew Jackson Speaks
- Includes an analysis of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 as well as sections of Jackson's speeches and writings related to this subject.
- 954
- Medical History of President Andrew Jackson
- An overview of Jackson's various injuries, wounds and illnesses as documented by witnesses and doctors.
- 955
- Herbert Hoover
- Provides a biography of American President Herbert Hoover. Includes his picture and a list of his Supreme Court appointments.
- 956
- Medical History of President Herbert Hoover
- Describes the medical history of President Herbert Hoover.