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- Amber Network - Creative Coaching and Leadership Development
- Leadership workshops and training programs for businesses and organizations; focused on multiple leadership skills including foresight.
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- Annimac Consultants
- Futurist Anni Macbeth provides seminars, workshops, keynotes, and essays; current and archived newsletters and articles exploring forecasts, ideas about the future, and life coaching based on current and emerging trends of change.
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- Center for The 21st Century
- A business futurist consulting lead by Carolyn Corbin, offering keynote speeches, executive briefings, customized research, seminars.
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- Christensen Associates Management Consultants, Inc.
- Offers seminars and workshops in futures research, project management, product development, and manager development. Located in Playa del Rey, California.
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- Future Management Group
- Internationally active group of experts on future management in enterprises, organizations and government administrations
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- Future Speak
- Coordinates requests between organizations and futures speakers and facilitators for lectures, briefings, workshops, and conferences; lists sample forecasts.
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- Offers keynote speeches, seminars, scenario building and preferred future workshops; site contains many articles on future trends, ideas on business, space, and science fiction.
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- Global Future Forum
- A fee-based service linking futurists, decision-makers, and business leaders in order to inject foresight into decision-making and expand available foresight tools; organizes conferences, research reports and projects, and workshop; site offers some links to relevant readings.
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- Infinite Futures: Foresight Training and Facilitation
- Includes futures research-based presentations, essays, course syllabi, research tools, and group process exercises to enhance foresight in communities, organizations, and individuals.
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- Jim Pinto
- Consultant with expertise in industrial automation offers technology foresight, business strategies, angel investing, and merger and acquisition services; site features extensive essay collection and annotated bibliography.
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- Karl Albrecht International
- Lectures and workshops to improve thinking, leadership, and awareness of emerging change; includes lecture and workshop descriptions, books, videos, and downloads of powerpoint slides.
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- Planet-TECH Associates
- Designs community and policy innovations for social, economic, and environmental progress; creates interactive websites for community learning and decision-making; and builds on-line futures learning environments linking public school classes globally to envision possible and preferred futures.
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- Prospektiker
- Basque futures consulting firm specializing in economic development and local and urban planning using trends-based impact assessment and strategy formation.
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- Roger Dennis - Technology Strategy and Research
- Technological forecasting, research, and strategy services focused on the computer and telecommunications sectors; contact information and link to example work on client's site.
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- The Futures-Lab
- Forecasting and foresight for businesses, emphasizing creativity and the unexpected for purposes of branding, reinvention, and strategic positioning; on-line resources include program descriptions, articles, book reviews, and "news from the future."
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- The Vision Center for Futures Creation
- A Swedish consulting and training company specializing in studies of the future; includes a futurist "learning style inventory," articles, an on-line newsletter (free registration required), and book and organizational resources.
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