Assistive Technology
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- Augmentative Communication
- Publishes the newsletters Augmentative Communication News (ACN) and Alternatively Speaking (AS), which provide information on hot topics in the field, discussion of vital issues for AAC stakeholders, and news from the AAC community.
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- Axistive
- Offers free news, articles, product reviews and vendor information about assistive technology devices.
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- BATS (Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System)
- Research project at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to investigate means of creating and distributing maps that are accessible to the visually impaired.
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- Better Living Through Technology
- Provides impartial information and ideas on the use of assistive technology to assist people with disabilities.
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- Center for Applied Special Technology
- Opportunities for individuals with disabilities through the development of and innovative uses of technology.
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- Illinois Assistive Technology Project
- Offers funding information, assistance, training, newsletters, and demonstration center.
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- Science Access Project
- Develops methods for making science, math, and engineering information accessible to people with print disabilities.
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- Washington Assistive Technology Alliance
- WATA provides information, referrals, consultation, and training.
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- AbilityNet
- A UK based charity helping disabled adults and children use computers and the internet by adapting and adjusting their technology. Includes details of their London assessment centre.
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- Center for Accessible Technology
- Resources and services on the use of computer technology for people with disabilities.
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- A Glass Half Full
- Information to help people with a sitting disability or with the need to use a computer in bed.
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- AGIS Network (AssistGuide Information Services)
- Information and directory of long-term care and disability products and services vendors.
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- Closing the Gap
- Resource directory for hardware, software and organizations for special education and rehabilitation.
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- Independent Living Centre
- Features a large showroom of products and equipment available for testing and review. Assists in selecting appropriate products prior to purchase.
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- ReadAssist
- Links to sources of e-books, audio books, paper books, and devices to help disabled and blind readers.
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- Silver Cross Lift Guide
- Information to assist in selecting a recycled or new stair lift, home elevator, ceiling lift or mobility device.
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- USA TechGuide
- Equipment information for people with disabilities, their caregivers and healthcare providers. Includes reviews and articles on wheelchairs and cushions.
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- Adaptive Computer Empowerment Services
- Recycles computer hardware and software for donation to persons with disabilities, with special interest in facilitating Internet access and communication.
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