- 602
- MAG Mutual Healthcare Solutions, Inc.
- Features medical billing and coding books for CPT, ICD-9-CM, HCPCS and DRG. Also offering guides and software.
- 604
- Medical Physics Publishing
- The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology: A Compendium for Medical Physicists and Radiation Oncologists. Books related to Radiation Oncology and Medical Physics.
- 605
- Medical Publications of America
- World's largest selection of books and multimedia on health sciences, technical business and scientific. Online catalog contains over 10,000 titles. Great discount offered on each title.
- 606
- Medline: A Guide to Effective Searching
- A book for health professionals, health science students, and researchers. Explains the importance of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), and publication types.
- 607
- Music Outreach
- Nostalgic music and singalongs on CDs, cassettes, videos and books for use with older people.
- 609
- Man as the Prayer: The Origin and Nature of Humankind
- Yup Lee explains the origins of construction, music, sculpture, handicrafts, paintings, and languages as variations on the same theme: prayer.
- 610
- Skybooks
- Publishes on the Montauk project and other time travel conspiracies. Ordering by mail, phone or email.
- 611
- 2Neat Books
- Specializes in USGS professional papers, offprints of scientific publications and magazines.
- 615
- North Woods Field Guides
- Educational field guides for the identification of animal tracks, trees, wildflowers, and constellations.
- 616
- PaleoPublications
- Used, some rare, works in Paleontology, Geology, Mineralogy, and related subjects.