- 582
- Welding Secrets
- Book by Hal Wilson contains tips and tricks learned from his more than 40 years of welding experience. Book information and author biography.
- 584
- Radio Reprints
- Supplier of reprint manuals for Ameco, Collins, Drake, Gonset, Hallicrafters, Hammarlund, and Johnson radios.
- 585
- W4QCF Manuals
- Offers amateur radio operating and service manuals, ARRL and vintage QST publications.
- 588
- Electrical Code Simplified
- Books that explain and illustrate the application of the electrical code rules.
- 589
- Engineering Education Service Center
- Offering resource information designed to promote interest in engineering. Includes DVDs, apparel, and books.
- 590
- Macatea Productions
- Technical books, especially engineering texts. Site also contains technical articles.
- 591
- National Electrical Safety Code Handbook
- Purchase the National Electrical Safety Code or McGraw-Hill's NESC Handbook (US).
- 593
- Aesculapius Books
- An educational source of manual medicine and massage, offering textbooks and diagrams.
- 594
- Brown-Spath and Associates
- Topics include quality and outcomes management, sentinel event investigation, and patient safety improvement.
- 595
- Campus Bookstore
- Books and publications dealing with coding, reimbursement, Medicare, and healthcare.
- 597
- Eagletree Press
- Books and learning resources for midwifery and parenting. Workbooks, editable practice guidelines, charts, forms, and soon online courses.
- 598
- Hartman Publishing Online
- In-service education publisher for certified nursing assistants and home health aides on OSHA, infection control, body mechanics, and Alzheimer's disease.