Software for Engineering
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- FEA Information
- A series of web sites designed with information on software applications that interface with Livermore Software Technology's LS-DYNA, used to analyze the nonlinear dynamic response of three-dimensional inelastic structures.
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- FELIPE Finite Element Learning Package
- A low-cost f.e.m. package for PCs, providing Fortran source code for a range of 2D engineering applications, plus powerful pre- and post-processors. Screenshots and examples.
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- FEMdesigner
- A general purpose 2D/3D finite element solver for Windows, with integrated meshers and results viewer.
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- Fedem
- Finite element analysis software capable of modeling both structural and dynamic properties simultaneously. Program description with references. Download.
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- Develops and maintains the general purpose finite element analysis software system PERMAS, and offers services related to FE technology.
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- Impact
- An open source explicit finite time stepping element program suitable for simulation of dynamic events. Impact has several types of elements including shell elements and is easy to extend. Impact works well GID pre- and postprocessor and is programmed in Java.
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- Integrated Engineering Software
- Provide CAE simulation software for analysis of electrostatic, magnetostatic, eddy current, particle trajectory, thermal, high frequency, and mechanical application using the boundary element method(BEM).
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- Interpaper Research Organization
- Boundary Elements and Singular Integral Equations Software for Civil/Structural Engineering (solid mechanics, fracture mechanics, structural analysis, hydraulics)and Mechanical Engineering (fluid mechanics, potential flow, aerodynamics).
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- KCR Products
- Thermal analysis, fluid flow, and structural analysis software for applications like for piping and PCB design. Description of programs and purchase information.
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- LSTC (Livermore Software Technology Corporation)
- Development source for the LS-DYNA non-linear finite element analysis software program.
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- Linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, composite and thermal engineering analysis for civil, structural, bridge, composites and general engineers.
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- Supplies PAFEC VibroAcoustics. This solves acoustic and vibration problems using the finite and boundary element methods. Applications include underwater acoustics, audio, medical ultrasonics and automotive.
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- Simulia
- A division of Dassault Systèmes that provides simulation solutions including the Abaqus, multiphysics solutions, and SIMULIA SLM. Includes products, news, events, and contact information.
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- devDept
- Resources for CAD/CAM/CAE/TOD developers/power users. Provides a 3D topology optimization software based on genetic algorithms.
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- pdnmesh
- Is a free opensource finite element solver suitable for field problems. It can use DXF files as input and will generate encapsulated postscript and screen output.