Software for Engineering
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- Flowmaster
- A 1D thermo-fluid systems package to simulate fluid systems behaviour. The site features a guided tour introducing the features of the software. It gives example applications and references.
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- Enables groundwater engineers and nuclear waste management professionals model flows in porous media over extended periods of time.
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- Internet Finite Element Resources
- Introduction to FEA, general FEA resources, software and educational information.
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- The Finite Element Method Site
- Several web-based analysis codes written in Java. Available free with source code.
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- Kassegne, Samuel K.
- Outline of professional practices and teaching experience. Information and tips on using FE programmes and also on developing FE programmes.
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- BETA CAE Systems S.A.
- Develops and distributes ANSA (Automatic Net-generation for Structural Analysis) and METAPostProcessor. Pre- and post- processor codes for FEA. Company and product information.
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- Computational Mechanics Australia Pty.Ltd.
- QUAD-SURFACE 1.0: Quadrilateral finite element mesh generation software for meshing of plates, shells and general curved surfaces in 3D. QUAD-SURFACE is available in the complete source form.