- 121
- Lorentz, Hendrik (1853-1928)
- Brief biography of the Dutch physicist who, before Einstein developed his special theory of relativity, developed much of that theory's formalism (Lorentz contraction, Lorentz transformation); from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews).
- 122
- Milne, Arthur (1896-1950)
- Biography of the British mathematician and astrophysicist who developed a kinematic model of cosmology based on special relativity; from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews).
- 123
- Minkowski, Hermann (1864-1909)
- Biographical sketch of the mathematician who was the first to develop the concept of spacetime as the geometric essence of special relativity (and starting point of general relativity); from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews).
- 124
- Nordström, Gunnar (1881-1923)
- Wikipedia article about the Finnish physicist, who developed a relativistic theory of gravity that was an early competitor of general relativity, and who (together with Hans Reissner) found the solution to Einstein's field equations now known to describe a black hole with electric charge.
- 125
- Penrose, Roger (1931-)
- Biographical sketch of the British mathematician and physicist who developed the methods of global geometry, proved the first singularity theorem, invented a method for extracting energy from rotating black holes, and posited the cosmic censorship hypothesis; from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews).
- 126
- Poincaré, Henri (1854-1912)
- Biographical sketch of the French physicist who developed many of the concepts of special relativity before Einstein's publication; from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews).
- 127
- Ricci-Curbastro, Gregorio (1853-1925)
- Brief biographical sketch of the mathematician who developed important mathematical tools (tensor calculus) that later would be used for formulating general relativity; from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews).
- 128
- Riemann, Bernhard (1826-1866)
- Brief biography of the mathematician who, before Einstein's birth, developed the geometrical tools that allowed Einstein and Großmann to formulate general relativity; from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews).
- 129
- Schwarzschild, Karl (1873-1916)
- Biography of the German astronomer who was the first to find a non-trivial solution to Einstein's field equations (which we now know describes a black hole); from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews).
- 130
- Shapiro, Irwin I.
- Wikipedia article about the American astrophysicist, one of the pioneers of solar-system tests of general relativity (Shapiro effect, deflection of light by gravity, perihelion precession of various planets).
- 131
- Thorne, Kip (1940-)
- Wikipedia article about the American theoretical physicist, who has made significant contributions to the physics of gravitational waves and black holes.
- 132
- Weyl, Hermann (1885-1955)
- Brief biography of the German mathematician who made pioneering contribution to group theory and the concept of symmetry, and was one of the first to formulate a unified theory of electromagnetism and general relativity; from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews).
- 133
- Wheeler, John Archibald (1911-)
- Wikipedia article about the American physicist who was the driving force of the general relativity revival in the US in the 1950s and, among other things, introduced the terms "black hole" and "wormhole".
- 134
- ANU Centre for Gravitational Physics
- Relativity at the Australian National University in Canberra; information about research, members and publications. Research is focussed on methods for detecting gravitational waves.
- 135
- Ann Arbor Area Relativity Group
- Loose association of physicists from a variety of institutions in the Ann Arbor Area. Page contains list of participants, past talks, and links to further resources; members' research interests include black holes, singularities, quantum gravity, numerical relativity, relativistic astrophysics and mathematical relativity.
- 136
- Astrophysics & Relativity Theory at Cornell
- Contains illustrated list of members and information about research projects. Research focuses on black hole simulations, plasma astrophysics, and certain types of gravitational wave sources.
- 137
- Department of General Relativity and Astrophysics at the Jagellonian University
- Relativity group in Cracow, Poland; features information about the current members of the group. Research interests include mathematical aspects of gravitational collapse and gravitational waves.
- 138
- Gravitation and Cosmology Group, University of Barcelona
- Includes information about members, research, and open positions.