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- Elementary Physics II
- A set of online course notes for introductory physics. Includes electromagnetic fields, relativity, and quantum mechanics.
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- Guided Readings in Elementary Quantum Mechanics
- Contains guided readings in Advanced Physical Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry, specifically, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics, with an emphasis on chemical applications. Notice that Guided Reading means what it says, you can not simply read the material contained in this site, you must answer questions about the material as you proceed. These notes allow persons to review/carry out the algebra and calculus for standard quantum mechanical problems.
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- HyperPhysics
- HyperPhysics is an exploration environment for concepts in physics which employs concept maps and other linking strategies to facilitate smooth navigation.
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- Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves
- A lecture from professor Michael Fowler at U of Virginia. Long and detailed.
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- Motion Mountain
- A free physics textbook with more than 1000 pages. The text is a guide to finding the answers to the following questions: How do things move? Why do things move? What is motion? Why does it exist?
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- Physics Cafe
- Provides a Logical Problem Solving Strategy to help physics students in Singapore JC Physics. Includes physics video tutorials.
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- Physics Tuition by Singapore Tutor
- Collection of physics resources according to Singapore syllabus. Also includes scanned certificates and awards won by physics tutor, plus feedback from tuition students and parents.
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- Physics Zone - Lessons Tutorials and Help
- A resource for learning introductory level, algebra based, physics. Lessons and review are organized by topic.
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- Physics for K-12
- Part of a physics course structured and designed for class room teaching. The book conforms to the standards and frame work prescribed by various Boards of State Education. The content development is targeted to young enquiring minds.
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- Help with the fundamentals of physics, from basic through university level. Illustrated using Flash demonstrations and experiments.
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- Superstrings Theory
- An online introduction to superstring theory, which is the leading candidate for the theory of all fundamental interactions in the universe.
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- Visual Quantum Mechanics
- A complete course on "Lasers and their applications" (text, drawings, and Java applets). Explains basic physical principles, with numerical examples, and gives information on actual applications of lasers.
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- Wilfrid Laurier University Physics Lab
- Contains specific information about physics courses with labs, but also general resources such as tutorials on PSpice and LaTeX.
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- Email list for physics educators with about 700 members and typically 5-50 messages per day. Online archives (for posts since 1996) and membership interface available.
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- Blake Lilly Prize from AIP
- Whenever you or your SPS chapter "take physics on the road," you are already eligible for the Blake Lilly Prize. The Blake Lilly Prize is an opportunity to be publicly recognized for your physics outreach efforts.