Radio Programs
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- BBC - Radio 4 - The Sound of Life
- Stories related to sound in the animal kingdom: making, using, ocmmunicating with, detecting, and effects of sound pollution on the environment.
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- NPR: Science Friday with Ira Flatow
- Weekly two-hour radio program about science, technology and environment issues in the news. Includes RealAudio archives, FAQ, forum, book discussions and SciFri Kids section. From National Public Radio (USA).
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- Pulse of the Planet
- Produces a two-minute sound portrait every weekday, providing recordings of nature, culture and science worldwide.
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- Science Update
- A long-running, wide-ranging 90-second daily science news feature often addressing listener questions. Archives in Realaudio format.
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- The Naked Scientists Online
- Online, on-demand radio show focuses on science, technology and medicine. Includes audio archives, articles and news, Ask a Scientist and Cafe Scientifique.
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- WFMU - The Speakeasy with Dorian
- Interview show with guests from the world of the arts, sciences, the media, and other areas of interest.
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