- 161
- Symmetry and the Shape of Space
- With interactive demos using Geometer's Sketchpad (requires Macintosh).
- 164
- Tessellation Tutorials by Suzanne Alejandre
- Tutorials and templates for making tessellations using ClarisWorks, the Geometer's Sketchpad, HyperCard, HyperStudio, and straightedge and compass, including step-by-step instructions for classroom activities.
- 168
- The Penrose Tiling at Miami University
- A summary of the history behind the Penrose tiling in the math department at Miami university.
- 169
- Tilings and Geometric Ornament
- Applying principles of computer graphics to the creation of geometric ornament, as a continuation of the tradition of ornamental design using modern tools and algorithms.
- 171
- Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem
- Problem-solving journal at the senior secondary and university undergraduate levels.
- 173
- Lewis Carroll's Pillow Problem: Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
- Simulation for Lewis Carroll's pillow problem.
- 174
- Male Bears Probability: Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
- A problem in probability: several solutions.
- 175
- The Knight's Tour Links Page
- The goal is to travel with a knight around the chess board, landing on each square only once. Features web links of solutions to the game, including a solution" by Dan Thomasson.
- 176
- U of T Mathematics Network
- Includes interactive games, problems and puzzles including the Monty Hall Problem and the Tower of Hanoi and questions pages with answers and discussion.
- 178
- Macalester College Problem of the Week
- Weekly math problem and archive from Professor Stan Wagon for first-year college students presented by the Math Forum.