- 301
- Singapore International Mathematics Olympiad
- Training resources include problems and partial solutions.
- 302
- Tournament of Towns at Toronto
- Contest problems and solutions for The International Mathematics Tournament of the Towns.
- 304
- UQ/QAMT Problem Solving Competition
- Problem solving competition open to all Queensland secondary school students.
- 305
- Mathnet : The Tower of Hanoi
- Graphical and text versions of this puzzle. Includes Background and solutions.
- 308
- Junior High Excellence in Mathematics Contest
- Details of the competitions held at St. Louis Community College. Background information, registration details, and copies of previous year's tests.
- 310
- Minnesota MathCounts
- Math coaching and competition program for middle school students. Offers information on state contest and coaching materials for schools throughout Minnesota.
- 311
- Minnesota State High School Mathematics League
- The official website of the Minnesota High School Math League.
- 312
- SCSU Math Contest
- Annual event hosted by the St. Cloud State departments of mathematics, statistics, and computer science for students in grades 7-12.
- 313
- Indiana State Mathematics Contest
- Annual contest sponsored by the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Five testing categories include Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, and Comprehensive.
- 314
- Armstrong Atlantic State University Math Tournament
- Features annual mathematics tournament for high school students and middle school Math Bowl.
- 315
- David Essner Mathematics Competition
- Annual competition among the secondary school students of Miami-Dade County in Florida with results and past problems.