- 201
- The Golden Ratio and The Fibonacci Numbers
- A presentation of the relationship between the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Numbers from the proceedings of the Friesian School.
- 202
- A Slice of Pi Home Page
- Features an historic overview of the discovery and estimate methods of pi. formula expressions, and the first 100,000 digits. Some pages use a Geometer's Sketchpad program.
- 204
- Ask Dr. Math - Pi
- Dr Math answers over 60 questions submitted by people about pi including questions on the Bible's relationship to it and its relationship to trigonometry.
- 205
- Ask Dr. Math: About Pi
- Explains what the constant is and a brief history. Includes resource links.
- 206
- Calculating Pi
- An open source endeavor for the calculation of this constant. Describes the project, the implemented algorithms for calculation and software downloads.
- 207
- Elias' Pi Page
- Includes Pi in the Binary number system, Pi as a sound file and Pi shown in different images.
- 208
- Pi Approximation Day
- 22/7 - that is, July 22. For the past few years, people at Chalmers University have celebrated it.
- 209
- Pi Land
- Fun activities, a Pi trivia game and a Trainer for digit memorization. Pi poetry, artwork, and photography, calculations, digits and book reviews.
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- Pi World Ranking List
- Every sport has its championship. Every sport has its world ranking list. For many who like to memorize numbers, PI is the ultimate number, and it makes sense to create a list for people to get in touch and learn where they stand in the world of memorizers.