Finite Applied Associative Algebra (semigroups) & Digital Networks
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Scan day: 09 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A compendium of papers by Nico F. Benschop on abstract algebra, number theory, computer science and physics.
Nico Benschop homepg: Associative Structure of State Machines, Arithmetic and Logic; Powersums, Fermat, Waring, Goldbach, Cantor; State Machines; History; I-Ching; Hubble Red shift, dissipative ether
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Page title: | Nico Benschop homepage |
Keywords: | Powersums, Arithmetic, Fermat, Waring, finite, associative algebra, digital network theory, digital circuit, Goldbach,Cantor, semigroup, FSM, Arithmetic, Finite State Machines, synthesis, sequential logic, Boolean logic, combinational synthesis, infinite, finite, math history, quotes, I-Ching, Hubble red shift, dissipative ether |
Description: | An open mind is a joy forever, Associative Digital Network Theory, sci.math: Arithmetic, Powersums, Fermat, Waring, Goldbach, Cantor, finite structure, Semigroups, State Machine synthesis, finite, associative algebra, digital network theory, digital circuit, sequential logic, philosophy, I-Ching, Hubble red shift, dissipative ether |
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