- 141
- Organic Mathematics: Video Album
- Lectures at the Organic Mathematics Workshop, Simon Fraser University. QuickTime format.
- 142
- Asymptopia
- Newsletter of the University of Cambridge Centre for Mathematical Sciences. All issues.
- 143
- Bernoulli News
- Newsletter of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Full text from volume 2 (1995).
- 144
- ERCIM News
- European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. Full text from no.19 (1994) in HTML and PDF.
- 145
- The Mathematica Journal
- Articles about applications of Mathematica, with news about products and events.
- 146
- Basic Concepts of Mathematics
- This text by Elias Zakon helps the student complete the transition from purely manipulative to rigorous mathematics. Chapters cover Set Theory, the Real Numbers, and n-dimensional Geometry.
- 147
- Dynamics and Chaos
- Class notes by Evans M. Harrell II for an introductory course on dynamical systems and chaos, taken by mathematicians, engineers, and physicists. This text concentrates on models rather than proofs in order to bring out the concepts of dynamics and chaos. Theorems are carefully stated, though only occasionally proved.
- 148
- Finite Applied Associative Algebra (semigroups) & Digital Networks
- A compendium of papers by Nico F. Benschop on abstract algebra, number theory, computer science and physics.
- 149
- Fractals in the Plane - Ergodic Theory Methods
- A book by F. Przytycki and M. Urbanski in Postscript.
- 150
- Fundamentals of Model Theory
- Introductory textbook by William Weiss and Cherie D'Mello. PostScript, DVI, GIF.
- 152
- Global Analysis
- "The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis" - foundations of differential calculus in infinite dimensions with applications to differential geometry and global analysis by Andreas Kriegl and Peter W. Michor published by AMS in 1997. Whole book or chapters in crosslinked PDF.
- 153
- Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
- A book by Dahlberg and Kenig in postscript (bitmapped fonts). The page also contains another book by Dahlberg: "Icke Linjära Evolutionsekvationer" (Swedish).
- 154
- Homeomorphisms in Analysis
- A survey by C. Goffman, T. Nishiura, D. Waterman in PDF. In particular, the effects of homeomorphic changes of domain on the analyticity of a function are studied.
- 155
- Index Theory, Geometric Scattering, and Differential Analysis on Manifolds with Corners
- Several books by Richard Melrose et al. in PostScript.
- 156
- Invariance Theory, the Heat Equation, and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem
- Monograph by Peter B. Gilkey published by Publish or Perish and CRC Press. Whole book or chapters in DVI and Postscript.
- 157
- Lecture notes by László Lovász
- Discrete mathematics topics in Postscript. Includes "Discrete Mathematics", "Semidefinite optimization", "Topological methods in combinatorics", and "Complexity of algorithms".