Logic and Foundations
- 149
- ACL2-2002
- Third International Workshop on the ACL2 Theorem Prover and Its Applications. (In conjunction with ETAPS 2002). Grenoble, France; 8--9 April 2002.
- 150
- CADE-17
- The 17th International Conference on Automated Deduction. Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 17--20 June 2000.
- 151
- CICLOPS 2001
- Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and LOgic Programming Systems. Coral Beach Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus; 1 December 2001.
- 152
- CL 2000
- Conference on Computational Logic. Incorporating DOOD2000 and LOPSTR2000, collocated with ILP2000. Imperial College, London, UK; 24--28 July 2000.
- 153
- Computation Prospects of Infinity
- Research session on recent developments in Set Theory and Recursion Theory. Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore; 20 June -- 15 August 2005.
- 154
- Conference and Workshop in Honor of Professor Saharon Shelah
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; 21--25 May 2001.
- 155
- DL2001
- International Workshop on Description Logics. Stanford University, California, USA; 1--3 August 2001. On-line proceedings.
- 157
- FLoC '02 - Federated Logic Conference
- Seven concurrent meetings will be held. Copenhagen, Denmark; 20 July -- 1 August 2002.
- 158
- GÖDEL'96
- Logical Foundations of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics -- Kurt Gödel's Legacy. Brno, Czech Republic; 25--29 August 1996.