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Chelsea Technologies Group Ltd

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Description: Chelsea Technologies Group (CTG) specialises in the design and manufacture of a range of sensors & systems for the oceanograqphic, maritime, environmental, defence, homeland security & industrial process control markets. Globally selling for over 50 years, please contact us today to see how we can help you.
Sensing Technology - Chelsea Technologies Group Ltd Water Monitors for Ship Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Ballast Water Treatment Monitoring Systems Act2-based Laboratory & FerryBox System Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) Sensor
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: +44(0)20 84819000
Address: 55 Central Ave, West Molesey, Surrey KT8 2QZ, UK.


Page title:Sensing Technology - Chelsea Technologies Group Ltd
Keywords:Exhaust Cleaning, Low Sulphur Fuels, Turbidity, Greenship, Ferrybox, Environmental Monitoring, Salinity, Oil Spills, Fluorometers, Ballast Water Monitoring, Towed Oceanographic Platforms, Oceanographic Instrumentation, Hydrocarbon Detection, Oil Spill Monitoring, Algae Detection, ISO, Conductivity, Temperature, Depth, Plankton Sampler, Acoustics Transducers & Hydrophones, Sonar Evaluation Systems, Naval Oceanography Survey, sensor systems, oceanographic instrumentation, hydrocarbon detection, oil spill monitoring, algae detection, Exhaust Cleaning Low sulphur fuels turbidity hydrocarbons greenship Ferrybox Environmental Monitoring Salinity Oil spills Fluorometers, Ballast Water Monitoring, towed oceanographic platforms, oceanographic instrumentation, hydrocarbon detection, oil spill monitoring, algae detection Multiwavelength ISO Conductivity, Temperature, Depth, Plankton Sampler, Acoustics, Sensors Hydrophones Sonar Naval Oceanography Survey
Description:Chelsea Technologies Group has 50 years experience in the design and manufacture of a range of sensors and systems for the marine, environmental, defence, homeland security, industrial process control and life science markets. Our technology is being pioneered for a range of diverse applications


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