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- CLS: Collecte Localisation Satellites
- Platform location and scientific data collection by Argos, satellite orbit determination and platform location by Doris, space oceanography data processing for TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS.
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- Cetacean Research Technology
- Provides underwater and bioacoustics instrumentation and consultation.
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- Chelsea Technologies Group Ltd
- Chelsea Technologies Group (CTG) specialises in the design and manufacture of a range of sensors & systems for the oceanograqphic, maritime, environmental, defence, homeland security & industrial process control markets. Globally selling for over 50 years, please contact us today to see how we can help you.
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- Coastal Leasing, Inc.
- Manufactures, leases and sells oceanographic, environmental and meteorological instrumentation for scientific research worldwide.
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- Coda Octopus
- Geosurvey solutions provider of underwater technology for imaging and mapping the seabed including inertial attitude and positioning, sub-bottom profiling and sidescan sonar imaging instruments.
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- CytoBuoy b.v.
- Manufactures flow cytometer systems to detect, count and analyse microscopical particles such as algae and phytoplankton. Products for bench-top in the lab, in-situ on shipboard, submerged, or buoy platforms for autonomous monitoring.
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- DeepSea Power & Light
- Manufacturer of oceanographic equipment including underwater lights, cameras, batteries, lasers and temperature sensors.
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- Desert Star Systems LLC
- Manufactures acoustic and GPS integrated positioning systems, underwater cameras and underwater data acquisition and telemetry systems for oceanographic applications.
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- Duncan and Associates
- Designers, manufacturers and suppliers of limnological, hydrobiological and oceanographic sampling and monitoring apparatus, tested and proven in the field.
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- Esonet Yellow Pages
- Aims to organize information about products for the development and maintenance of deep-sea observatories. Includes sensors, hardware, services and manufacturers.
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- Falmouth Scientific, Inc.
- Developer and manufacturer of high-quality precision oceanographic instrumentation.
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- Development and manufacture of underwater video cameras and compact remote-controlled underwater survey vehicles, and the carrying out of underwater contracted work.
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- General Oceanics, Inc.
- Global supplier of oceanographic, coastal, freshwater and air sampling instruments technology.
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- GeoSpectrum Technologies Inc.
- Manufacturer of hydrophones and underwater sound projectors. Custom design of transducers and test equipment to meet demanding specifications.
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- Hydro-Optics, Biology, & Instrumentation Laboratories
- HOBI Labs offers a unique line of optical instruments and sensors. Specialises in optical oceanography and hydro-optical instrumentation for the marine sciences community.
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- Innova A/S
- Scandinavian supplier of underwater equipment and services for ROV, subsea intervention and oceanographic research.