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- Syqwest, Inc.
- Design and manufacture of high resolution echo sounders and acoustic instrumentation for precision seafloor exploration.
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- TechWorks Marine Ltd.
- A marine science and technology company based in Dublin, Ireland that has developed the Techworks Marine Black Box range of data acquisition systems for marine data collection.
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- Technicap
- Suppliers of marine sampling instrumentation including sediments traps, water samplers, buoys, chlorophyl incubators, frames and pumps.
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- Technocean, Inc.
- Manufacturer of oceanographic equipment, primarily Argos-based drifting buoy systems. Argos-certified PTT manufacturer.
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- Teledyne Benthos
- Specializes in products used for measurement, inspection, data collection and communication in remote or challenging environments.
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- Tritech International Limited
- Large range of high technology subsea products including profiling and imaging sonars, bathymetric systems, subsea inspection cameras, subsea lighting, acoustic, and imaging sensors, excavation and jetting systems for the underwater ROV market.
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- Turner Designs
- Specialized in providing sensitive, reliable and easy-to-use fluorometers and luminometers for the measurement of measurement of genetic reporters, nucleic acids, fluorescent tracers, algal pigments and hydrocarbons in water.
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- Underwater Systems Inc.
- Design and manufacturing of various products ranging from environment proof electrical and optical connectors to hydroacoustic sensors and underwater vehicles.
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- Valeport Limited
- Manufacturer of oceanographic and hydrometric instruments including current meters, wave, water level and tide recorders, sound velocity profilers, CTDs, multiparameter instruments and accessories.
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- WET Labs, Inc.
- Manufactures underwater optical sensing instruments for physical, biological, geological, and chemical characterization of the marine environment.
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- Webb Research Corporation (WRC)
- Designs and manufactures scientific instruments for oceanographic research and monitoring. Founded in 1982, WRC specializes in neutrally buoyant, autonomous drifters and profilers, and moored underwater sound sources.
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- Yokota Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
- Sea-water resistant pumps, valves, flow regulators and other devices.
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- Zebra-Tech Ltd
- Design and manufacture of underwater instrumentation and equipment for environmental monitoring and research.
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- Arc Marine
- Using ArcGIS software from ESRI, describes the marine data model project working towards spatial modeling via improved integration of many important features of the ocean realm, both natural and manmade.
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- HydroSupport
- WinProfile is a software for hydrographic survey, wreck search and floating dredging. ENCpilot is a software for precision ship navigation for cruise liners and sea ships in centimetre range.
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- Magic Instinct Software Ltd
- Designs and sells software component modules for the marine electronic market including a range of software for marine navigation, real-time bathymetry (Olex) and 3D seafloor mapping (Nautilus 3D). Develops Google Ocean that uses Google Maps and Google Earth as visualization tools for marine data.
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- Myriax Pty Ltd
- Offers Echoview, a software package for the processing of echosounder and sonar data.
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- Tide Tool 2.2 for Palm handhelds
- Tide Tool is a freeware program to compute tides and currents worldwide. It also provides some sun and moon data. It runs on all handheld computers running the Palm operating system.