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- Oceanscan Limited
- Equipment and personnel rental companies servicing the world-wide hydrographic survey and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) industry.
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- Oceanscience Group
- Develop and manufacture oceanographic and hydrologic field equipment and instrumentation. Products include autonomous, RC and tethered boats, the Underway CTD, bottom platforms, weather stations and communications packages.
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- Odom Hydrographic Systems Inc.
- Manufactures and sells hydrographic survey equipment including swath and side-scan echosounders.
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- Pacific Gyre Inc.
- Manufacturer of oceanographic equipment for remote environmental data collection. Specializing in drifting, Lagrangian buoys, moorings and platforms that collect physical data about the open ocean, coastal waters, and estuaries.
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- Precision Measurement Engineering
- Design and manufacture products for field and laboratory research that range from antennas that transmit on the ARGOS frequencies, to microstructure profilers that measure high resolution of conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and PAR.
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- Quester Tangent
- Develops suite of digital acoustic seabed classification products and services with a broad range of applications.
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- RD Instruments
- Provides water current measurement products (ADCP) and software that are used in a variety of oceanographic applications.
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- RS Aqua UK
- Suppliers of oceangraphic instruments, including buoys, monitoring devices, radiometers and meteorological systems.
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- Sea Sciences, Inc.
- Designs and manufactures portable, field-usable instrumentation for coastal and freshwater research. The main product line is based on the Acrobat, a versatile computer driven tow body which supports a host of research and development instrumentation selected by the user.
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- Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.
- Largest manufacturer of marine instruments for measurement of salinity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen, and related oceanographic variables. Major products include Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) profilers, multibottle in-situ water samplers, moored CT recorders, and wave/tide recorders. Customers include research institutes, engineering firms, and navies throughout the world.
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- Sea-Image Corporation
- Supplier of the WaMoS system that measures ocean wave spectra and surface current speed and direction from the output of marine X-Band radar from shore, on a moored platform, or a moving vessel.
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- Sea-View Diving
- Supplier of side scan sonar and underwater video cameras for search and recovery, magnetometers and other oceanographic equipment.
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- Seabed Technology BV
- Manufacturer of marine sampling instrumentation including vibrocorers, box corers and grab samplers, tide gauges, sub-sea dataloggers and turbidity profilers. Design and manufacturing of cable assemblies and pressure housings.
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- Seafloor Systems, Inc.
- Leading providers of oceanographic and hydrographic equipment, software, and services. Provide systems integration services, turnkey remote sensing systems and solutions, as well as technical support and services.
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- Sediment Services
- Manufacture fully automated cohesive strength meters for the acquisition of data relating to the critical erosion stress of sand and mud sized particles on intertidal mud flats and alike.
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- Soil Machine Dynamics -SMD
- Design and manufacture of subsea robotics including remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), underwater propulsion and control products.
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- SonTek / YSI
- Makes water velocity measurement sensors - ADCP/ADP acoustic Doppler current profilers, ADV velocimeters, DVL speed logs, Argonaut current meters, ultrasonic flow meters and other instruments.