Solanum nigrum
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Description: Photograph, description, distribution, ecology and economic significance of black nightshade.
AgroAtlas - Weeds - Solanum nigrum L. - Black Nightshade. Family Solanaceae Juss., genus Solanum L. Plant is 8-90 cm in height, dark green, herbaceous, with scattered hairs or almost glabrous. Tap root is short and spindle-shaped. Stem is upright or ascending, branched, with costate branches. Leaves are plumpish, glabrous or with scarce setiform decumbent hairs along main ribs, ovate or almost triangular, sinuate-serrate; seldom almost entire, narrowed into sharp tip, widely decurrent at short petiole. Inflorescences are usually extra-axillary, very seldom some of them are opposite to leaves; they are umbel-like or slightly racemose-corymbose, consisting of 3-8 flowers. Flower stalks have scattered pubescence. Peduncles are more densely pubescent, drooping during fruiting. Calyx is glabrous or having non-dense accumbent hairs. Corolla up to the middle consists of 5 lobes; it is twice or three times as long as calyx, whitish or slightly violet. Fruit is berry, globular, black, brownish-green or yellow. Seeds are irregularly-oval, compressed laterally, lustreless, stramineous. This plant flowers in June-September, bears fruit in July-November. Maximum productivity is up to 280,000 seeds. Minimum temperature for seed germination is 10-12œC, maximum is 34-36œC, optimum is 24-26œC. Seeds germinate from depths of 0.5-1 cm.
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Page title: | AgroAtlas - Weeds - Solanum nigrum L. - Black Nightshade. |
Keywords: | interactive atlas map economic plant distribution area vegetation diseases pest weed USSR agriculture Russia geography GIS NIS biology photo nature geographic information system handbook ecological maps research investigation pictures download description |
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Date | created: 2005.05.04 Last updated on 2014.03.04 20:46:32 MSK |