Flora and Fauna
- 2341
- Solanum dulcamara: Bitter Nightshade
- Fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 2342
- Solanum dulcamara: Woody Nightshade
- Information from Botanical.com, a modern herbal, on this plant, its description, constituents, medicinal action and uses.
- 2344
- Solanum melongena
- Information on the Eggplant, its common names, description and use in traditional medicine, with an illustration.
- 2346
- Solanum nigrum
- Photograph, description, distribution, ecology and economic significance of black nightshade.
- 2347
- Solanum nigrum: Black Nightshade
- Information from Botanical.com, a modern herbal, on this poisonous plant, its description, constituents, medicinal action and uses.
- 2348
- Solanum paniculatum: Jurubeba
- Description and several photographs of this small tree, with information on its herbal properties, uses in traditional medicine, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities, clinical research and its current uses.
- 2349
- Solanum ptycanthum (Black Nightshade)
- Describes physical characteristics, habitat, and faunal associations. Includes photos.
- 2355
- Physalis angulata: Mullaca
- Description and several photographs of this annual herb, with information on its herbal properties, uses in traditional medicine, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities, clinical research and its current uses.
- 2358
- Mandrake
- Illustration of a Mandrake plant and its description, and extensive information on its medicinal actions and usages and folk-lore.