Flora and Fauna
- 1361
- ARKive: Giant Armadillo (Priodontes maximus)
- Factsheet with description, range and habitat, biology, threats and conservation. Includes photos and video.
- 1362
- ARKive: Southern Long-nosed Armadillo (Dasypus hybridus)
- Factsheet with description, biology, status and photographs.
- 1363
- Andean Hairy Armadillo: Chaetophractus nationi
- Photographs and information from ARKive on this species found on high-altitude grasslands in Bolivia, northern Chile and northern Argentina.
- 1364
- Armadillo
- Outline from Wikipedia of the classification of the family Dasypodidae and the habitat and physiology of its ten genera and twenty species.
- 1365
- Chacoan Naked-tailed Armadillo: Cabassous chacoensis
- Photographs and information from ARKive on this species endemic to the Gran Chaco region of western Paraguay and north-western Argentina.
- 1366
- Dasypus novemcinctus
- Taxonomy, photograph and description of the nine-banded armadillo its habitat and distribution, life history, physical tolerances, community ecology and invasion information.
- 1368
- Large Hairy Armadillo: Chaetophractus villosus
- Photographs, videos and information from ARKive including classification, status, description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 1370
- Agaricales
- Information on this order of fungi which includes many of the most familiar types of mushroom, with a photograph of Amanita muscaria.
- 1372
- Filoboletus manipularis
- Tom Volk provides photographs and information on this poroid mushroom from the tropics.
- 1377
- Mycena haematopus
- Article by Tom Volk on the blood-foot mushroom, which oozes a red fluid when picked, and is often parasitized by other fungi.