Flora and Fauna
- 11361
- Crevice Weaver
- Information from Wikipedia on spiders of the family Filistatidae, which weave webs in the shape of tubes or funnels.
- 11363
- Kukulcania hibernalis: Southern House Spider
- Provides photographs and a description of this species, with information on its habits, habitats, detection and management.
- 11364
- Southern House Spider
- Information from Wikipedia on this spider, Kukulcania hibernalis, its natural history and reproduction.
- 11367
- New Trogloraptor spiders discovered in US caves
- The BBC reports that scientists say they have found a new family of spiders in the caves of California and Oregon. The 'Trogloraptor' or 'cave robber' has pointed fearsome claws and legs spanning more than seven centimetres. (August 19, 2012)
- 11368
- Diving Bell Spider
- Information from Wikipedia on Argyroneta aquatica which is found in Northern and Central Europe and lives underwater.
- 11369
- Water Spider: Argyroneta aquatica
- Information from ARKive including description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 11370
- Yellowlegged Sac Spider
- Photographs, description, life history and habits of Cheiracanthium inclusum.
- 11371
- Purse-web Spider: Atypus affinis
- Information from ARKive including description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
- 11373
- Araneus bicentenarius: Giant Lichen Orbweaver
- Florida Nature provides several photographs and information on this species.
- 11375
- Eriophora ravilla
- Provides photographs and a description of this tropical orb weaver, with information on its distribution, habits, habitats and detection.
- 11376
- Gasteracantha cancriformis
- Student project with classification, habitat, adaptation, diet, reproduction and interactions with other species.
- 11377
- Gasteracantha cancriformis: Spiny-backed Orbweaver
- Provides photographs and a description of this spider, and information on its identification and biology.
- 11378
- Neoscona crucifera and Neoscona domiciliorum
- Provides photographs and a description of these orb weavers, with information on their distribution, identification, habits and habitat.