Flora and Fauna
- 11341
- Jumping Spider: Salticus scenicus
- Student project on this spider, also known as the zebra spider, including classification, habitat, adaptation, nutrition, reproduction and interactions with other species.
- 11342
- Jumping Spiders
- Information on these spiders and photographs of a number of species found in Kentucky.
- 11343
- Menemerus bivittatus and Plexippus paykulli
- Provides photographs and a description of these two species, the Gray Wall Jumper and the Pantropical Jumper.
- 11344
- Phidippus regius: Regal Jumping Spider
- Provides photographs and a description of this spider, with information on its distribution, identification, habits, habitat and detection.
- 11345
- Salticidae
- Detailed information about jumping spider biology and systematics by Wayne Maddison. Includes full list and photo gallery of genera of jumping spiders found in America North of Mexico.
- 11346
- The Peckham Society
- An informal international alliance of amateur and professional jumping spider researches. Publishes the online journal Peckhamia.
- 11347
- The Zebra Spider
- Article by Wim van Egmond on this spider, Salticus scenicus, its hunting methods and its superb eyesight, with 3D photographs.
- 11348
- Use of Location Information by Jumping Spiders
- Paper by David Edwin Hill on the ability of these spiders to move to a new position to facilitate an attack on sighted prey.
- 11349
- Daddy-long-legs Spider in 3D
- Article by Wim van Egmond on this spider, Pholcus phalangioides, its anatomy and its hunting habits.
- 11350
- Pholcidae
- Information from Wikipedia on this family of spiders, commonly known as daddy long-legs spiders, their appearance, habitat, diet and systematics, with a small photograph gallery.
- 11351
- Vibrating Spiders: Family Pholcidae
- Photographs and information on the cellar or vibrating spider, Pholcus phalangioides, with a video.
- 11352
- Peucetia viridans: Green Lynx Spider
- Provides photographs and a description of this spider, with information on its distribution, identification, life history, habits and habitat.
- 11353
- Bright-eyed Singers
- Article by William Amos on lycosids or wolf spiders, their natural history, songs, and how you can find them in the dark.
- 11354
- Wolf Spider
- Information from Wikipedia on these spiders, members of the family lycosidae, their description, toxicity and habitats, with several photographs.
- 11355
- Wolf Spiders
- Informational website about the wolf spider including thieir bites, pictures, videos and references to peer-reviewed journals.
- 11357
- Brown Recluse Spider
- Information on this species, its description, identification, habitat and life cycle.
- 11358
- Loxosceles reclusa
- Animal Diversity Web article about the poisonous brown recluse spider, also known as the violin spider.