Flora and Fauna
- 4641
- Chloranthaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family with technical drawings of Chloranthus and Sarcandra.
- 4645
- Chenopodiaceae
- Information from Wikipedia on this family of flowering plants which is sometimes included in the family Amaranthaceae.
- 4649
- Salicornia europaea
- Photographs and information on this species of Glasswort which grows in saltmarshes.
- 4650
- Chenopodium album
- Description and uses of this species, commonly known as pigweed or lamb's quarters, with photographs.
- 4652
- Chenopodium ambrosioides: Epazote
- Description and illustrations of this annual herb, and information on its herbal properties, tribal and herbal medicine uses, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities and clinical research.
- 4658
- Beta vulgaris
- A short description of the plant, and its medicinal uses, from Grieve's A Modern Herbal.