Flora and Fauna
- 4483
- Cuscutaceae
- Description of the Cuscutaceae family, distribution map, and a list of parasitic species in the genus Cuscuta with photographs.
- 4484
- Cuscutaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of parasitic plants, with drawings of Cuscuta.
- 4485
- Cunoniaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of trees, shrubs and lianas with technical drawings of Cunonia and Weinmannia.
- 4486
- Close-up View of a Cucurbit
- Photographic study by Brian Johnston of a plant of the genus Cucurbita, with many fine images, both macroscopic and microscopic.
- 4487
- Cucurbitaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of climbing and trailing plants with technical drawings of several species.
- 4489
- The Cucurbitaceae
- A compilation of botanical information on the cucurbit (gourd or pumpkin) family. Includes links to related websites.
- 4494
- Ampalaya (Bitter Melon)
- Provides information on the bitter melon or bitter gourd which is indigenous to Asia and used as both a food and a traditional medicine.
- 4496
- Momordica charantia: Bitter Melon
- Description and several photographs of this plant and information on its herbal properties, tribal and herbal medicine uses, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities and clinical research.