Flora and Fauna
- 4465
- Dicrastylidaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of evergreen shrubs and plants, sometimes classified as Chloanthaceae.
- 4466
- Dichapetalaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family with drawings of species of Dichapetalum.
- 4468
- Diapensiaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family with drawings of Diapensia and Pyxidanthera.
- 4475
- Parasitic Plants - Cytinaceae
- Description of the Cytinaceae family, distribution map, and a list of parasitic species in the genera Bdallophyton and Cytinus with photographs.
- 4476
- Cyrillaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of small trees and shrubs, with drawings of Cyrilla racemiflora and Mylocarium ligustrinum.
- 4477
- Cyrilla racemiflora
- Includes distribution and occurrence, botanical and ecological characteristics, value and use, and fire ecology.
- 4478
- Cynomoriaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family of peculiar red plants, with drawings of Cynomorium coccineum.