Flora and Fauna
- 4185
- Physostigma venenosum: Calabar Bean
- Information from Botanical.com on this poisonous plant, its description, constituents, medicinal action and uses.
- 4186
- Sorting Phaseolus Names
- Scientific and common names of many bean species in several world languages.
- 4187
- Jícama
- Information from Wikipedia on Pachyrrhizus erosus, a plant with an edible tuberous root, also called the Mexican potato or the Mexican turnip.
- 4188
- Ononis
- Information from Wikipedia on this genus of perennial herbs and shrubs known as restharrows because their tough stems made cultivation with a harrow difficult.
- 4190
- Myroxylon peruiferum: Balsam
- Description and several photographs of this tree, with information on its herbal properties, uses in traditional medicine, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities, clinical research and its current uses.
- 4193
- Mucuna pruriens: Velvet Bean
- Description and several photographs of this vine, with information on its herbal properties, uses in traditional medicine, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities, clinical research and its current uses.