Flora and Fauna
- 4167
- Trifolium stellatum: Starry Clover
- Several photographs of this species, rare in the UK, and an excerpt from the book “Unto the Hills” by Patrick Coulcher.
- 4168
- Trifolium: Clover
- Provides a description, species list and identification guide, with photographs of T. pratense and T. repens.
- 4169
- Swartzia polyphylla: Cumaceba
- Description and several photographs of this tree with information on its herbal properties, uses in traditional medicine, the chemicals it contains, its biological activities, clinical research and its current uses.
- 4170
- Swainsona formosa
- Photographs and information from Wikipedia on Sturt’s Desert Pea, one of Australia’s best known wildflowers.
- 4173
- Sophora secundiflora
- Includes distribution and occurrence, botanical and ecological characteristics, value and use, and fire ecology.
- 4174
- Sophora tomentosa
- Taxonomy and photographs of the necklace pod, a common shrub of coastal dunes in Florida.
- 4175
- Robinia hispida: Bristly Locust
- Tree identification fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 4176
- Robinia neomexicana
- New Mexico locust. Distribution and occurrence; value and use; characteristics; fire ecology.
- 4177
- Robinia neomexicana: New Mexican Locust
- Fact sheet with photos of the leaf, flower, fruit, twig, bark and form.
- 4178
- Robinia pseudoacacia
- Common names include black locust, false acacia, yellow locust, white locust, green locust, post locust, shipmast locust, and locust. Distribution; occurrence; value and use; characteristics; and fire ecology.