Flora and Fauna
- 4081
- Quercus laevis (Turkey Oak)
- Physical characteristics of leaf, flower, fruit, twig, and bark. Includes photos.
- 4083
- Quercus kelloggii (California Black Oak)
- Facts on physical characteristics, habitat, and range. Provides distribution map.
- 4084
- Quercus kelloggii (California Black Oak)
- Describes physical features and provides images of mature tree, leaf, acorn, bark, and twig.
- 4087
- Quercus grisea (Gray Oak)
- Detailed facts on physical characteristics. Describes habitat and includes range map.
- 4088
- Quercus grisea (Gray Oak)
- Describes the form, leaf, flower, fruit, twig, and bark. Includes images.
- 4089
- Quercus garryana
- Includes information on its names, distribution and occurrence, use, characteristics, and ecology.
- 4090
- Quercus garryana (Garry Oak)
- Features photos of entire tree, leaves, fruit, and bark. Describes physical characteristics, habitat, and human uses.
- 4091
- Quercus garryana (Oregon White Oak)
- Physical characteristics of leaf, flower, fruit, twig, and bark. Provides photos.
- 4092
- Quercus gambelii
- Information on distribution and occurrence, value and use, characteristics, and fire ecology.
- 4093
- Quercus gambelii (Gambel Oak)
- Discusses physical characteristics, habitat, range, and hybrids. Provides distribution map.
- 4094
- Quercus gambelii (Gambel Oak)
- Describes physical features and provides photos of mature tree, leaf, acorns, twig, and bark.
- 4095
- Quercus falcata
- Information on distribution and occurrence, value and use, characteristics, and fire ecology.
- 4096
- Quercus falcata (Southern Red Oak)
- Describes physical traits and provides photos of mature tree, leaf, twig, fruit, and bark.