Flora and Fauna
- 4061
- Quercus phellos (Willow Oak)
- Detailed facts on physical characteristics. Describes habitat and includes range map.
- 4062
- Quercus phellos (Willow Oak)
- Describes physical features and provides photos of mature tree, leaves, bark, twig and acorns.
- 4063
- Quercus muehlenbergii
- Distribution and occurrence, value and use, characteristics, and fire ecology.
- 4064
- Quercus muhlenbergii (Chinkapin Oak)
- Physical features, habitat, and range. Provides distribution map.
- 4065
- Quercus michauxii (Basket Oak)
- Physical characteristics, habitat, range, and hybrids. Includes distribution map.
- 4066
- Quercus michauxii (Swamp Chestnut Oak)
- Describes physical features and provides images of mature tree, leaf, twig, acorn and bark.
- 4067
- Quercus marilandica
- Information on distribution and occurrence, value and use, characteristics, and fire ecology.
- 4068
- Quercus marilandica (Blackjack Oak)
- Physical characteristics of leaf, flower, fruit, twig, and bark. Provides photos.
- 4069
- Quercus macrocarpa
- Reference information, including common names, distribution and occurrence, value and use, characteristics, and fire ecology.
- 4070
- Quercus macrocarpa (Bur Oak)
- Photos and descriptions of leaf, flowers, acorn, twig, bark and form.
- 4071
- Quercus lyrata
- Information on distribution and occurrence, its value and use, characteristics, and fire ecology.
- 4072
- Quercus lyrata (Overcup Oak)
- Discusses physical features, habitat, and range. Includes distribution map.
- 4073
- Quercus lyrata (Overcup Oak)
- Photos and descriptions of leaf, acorn, twig, bark, and form for Quercus lyrata.
- 4075
- Quercus lobata (Valley Oak)
- Describes physical features, habitat, and flowering period of this species. Includes range map.
- 4076
- Quercus lobata (Valley Oak)
- Physical characteristics of leaf, acorn, twig, and bark. Provides photos.
- 4077
- Quercus laurifolia (Laurel Oak)
- Describes physical features and provides images of entire tree, leaves, twig, acorn and bark.