Flora and Fauna
- 301
- Growth and Development in Lichens
- Each species of lichen has its own preferred substrate. This article describes how and where they grow and the extremes of climate that they can tolerate.
- 302
- Lichen Pictures
- Photographs of Acolium hawaiiense, Acroscyphus sphaerophoroides, Anaptychia leucomelos, Bacidia medialis, Bryoria furcellata, B. smithii, Buellia aeruginascens, B. proximata, B. pruinosa, B. tincta, Caloplaca erythrantha and Teloschistes flavicans.
- 303
- Lichens
- An illustrated introduction to the lichens with information on their ecology and reproduction.
- 304
- Life on the Rocks
- A peep into the world of lichens by Paul James with photographs of a number of species growing in Wales.
- 305
- Niebla and Vermilacinia Communities
- Photographs and information on the lichens in the Ramalinaceae family found in California and Baja California.
- 306
- Reproduction and Reproductive Structures
- Outline with diagrams of the two fundamentally different sorts of reproductive bodies possessed by lichens, and the three main types of vegetative reproduction where pieces of lichen detach.
- 307
- The Earthlife Web Lichen Image Directory
- About 40 images of lichens, including some unidentified ones.
- 308
- Archaea (Archaebacteria)
- Taxonomy, description, and extensive references, with particular emphasis on the Crenarchaeota (classified here as a Kingdom.)
- 309
- Procaryotic Life
- Online textbook chapter from the University of Wisconsin, discussing the origin of life and touching on some of the molecular characteristics that separate the domains, Archaea and Bacteria.
- 310
- Taxonomy Browser (Archaea)
- Shows the relationships among the recognized groups, and samples yet to be named or classified.
- 311
- The Archaea
- General introduction, mentioning most known genera and species of Euryarchaeota and Crenarchaeota. Includes some technical details such as toxin sensitivities.
- 313
- Genome News Network: New Amino acid Discovered in Methanosarcina barkeri
- Reports on the discovery of a new amino acid, pyrrolysine, coded by UAG (normally a stop codon) in this methanogen. (May 25, 2002)
- 314
- A theory of the lifecycle of bacteria
- Paper by Y Heyman who investigated the viability kinetics of activated sludge, the death rate of viable cells and the hydrolysis rate of dead cells.
- 315
- An Overview of Bacteria.
- Article by Matt Emery provides an introduction to these microbes with several images of stained cultures.
- 316
- Bacteria
- Article by Wim van Egmond on these microbes with photographs of Cyanobacteria and the green Anabaena.