Flora and Fauna
- 2301
- Stylidiaceae
- Botanical description of this family with illustrations and technical drawings of Stylidium.
- 2302
- Strychnaceae
- Botanical description of this family with technical drawings of Strychnos ligustrina.
- 2303
- Strychnos
- Information from Wikipedia on this genus of trees and shrubs, members of which are the source of strychnine and curare.
- 2307
- The Sterculiaceae
- Botanical characteristics of this family with photographs and a brief description of a number of individual species.
- 2308
- The Chocolate Tree
- Research project by Kirsten Boland on Theobroma cacao, including its classification, habitat, reproduction, adaptations, nutrition and interactions with other species.
- 2313
- Theobroma cacao: Chocolate
- Several photographs of this tree, its flowers and fruit, details of its documented medicinal properties and actions, its chemical constituents and other information from various sources.
- 2314
- Theobroma grandiflorum: Cupuacu
- Description and several photographs of this tree, its flowers and fruit, and information on its worldwide ethnobotanical uses.