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- Faith and Reason: Cosmology
- Companion site to the PBS mini-series "Faith & Reason". The cosmology section discusses the challenge to traditional Christian views posed by the scientific understanding of cosmological evolution, and ways in which they might be reconciled.
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- Ned Wright's Cosmology Tutorial
- Site maintained by a UCLA astronomy professor, which features an introduction to cosmology (which uses no more than high-school level mathematics), links to resources, a section on "fads and fallacies", and comments on latest developments.
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- Runaway Universe
- Companion website for a PBS NOVA program originally broadcast in 2000, which examines the size, future and fate of the universe. Contains background material on mapping the universe, supernovae as standard candles, and a virtual tour of the universe.
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- Stephen Hawking's Universe
- Companion website to the PBS-Thirteen/WNET six-part series of the same name. Includes information about many facets of cosmology and the researchers involved, as well as a Teacher's Guide.
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- WMAP Introduction to Cosmology
- Basic introduction to modern cosmology, aimed at a general audience. This NASA site is part of the outreach efforts for the WMAP space probe, which measures an "Echo of the Big Bang": the cosmic microwave background radiation.
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- BOOMERanG (Caltech)
- One of the homepages of the BOOMERanG project, a balloon-borne millimeter-wave telescope designed to study the anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Includes a project overview, a blog, and data releases.
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- Introduction to the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Basic explanations of key concepts related to the cosmic background radiation, including the big bang models of an expanding universe and the ripples in the density of the early universe that led to the galaxies and stars that can be seen today. By Wayne Hu (University of Chicago).
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- Legacy Archive for Microwave Data Analysis
- Contains both original data and descriptions for NASA's past missions to explore the cosmic background radiation, notably about the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite.
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- Planck Satellite
- Homepage of an ESA mission due to be launched in late 2008, and designed to make precision measurements of the cosmic background radiation. Includes an image gallery, a science overview, a technical overview and additional material.
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- The Cosmic Microwave Background
- Information about the cosmic microwave background radiation by Douglas Scott (University of British Columbia). Includes texts for a general audience, an FAQ, a number of images, and links to related sites.
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- WMAP Mission homepage
- Homepage of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, a NASA satellite launched in 2001. The goal of WMAP are precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background, the "electromagnetic echo" of the big bang phase of the early universe.
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- Dark Energy Survey
- Project aiming to understand why the universe is accelerating and not being slowed by the mass it contains.
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- Supernova Cosmology Project
- Homepage of a research project based at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, dedicated to using observations of supernova explosions to measure the distance of far-away galaxies; this, in turn allows one to map the properties of cosmic expansion.
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- Homepage of the CRESST experiment (Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers), a European collaboration to search for particle constituents of dark matter in the Gran Sasso laboratories.
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- Discussion about Dark Matter
- Transcript of an on-air discussion between physicists Michio Kaku and Stuart Samuel on the subject of dark matter. Suitable for a general audience. Aired on WBAI's "Explorations in Science" on December 3, 1997.
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- Primer on Dark Matter
- Concise illustrated overview of the current status of dark matter. Some basic previous knowledge of astronomy is needed. By Mike Guidry (University of Tennessee, Knoxville).
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- What is Dark Matter?
- One-page explanation of dark matter from the Usenet Physics FAQ, written by Scott I. Chase.
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- Homepage of a collaborative experiment that searches for dark matter constituents. Includes information about the experiment, the collaborators in the UK, Portugal, and Russia, and publications.
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- Millennium Simulation
- Site with images and movies based on one of the most detailed recent simulations of large-scale structure formation in the universe. From the Galaxy Formation Group at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics.
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- Sloan Digital Sky Survey
- Homepage of a major research project dedicated to producing a systematic map of a quarter of the sky, producing new catalogues for deep-sky objects and constraining the parameters for cosmological models. Includes a data archive, an image gallery, and outreach material.
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