MainScienceAgricultureResearch Groups and Centers › MacKillop Farm Management Group

MacKillop Farm Management Group

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Scan day: 03 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A producer driven non-profit organization undertaking research and extension programmes in South East South Australia. It is a partnership between the farming community, research and extension agencies and agribusiness.
Mackillop Farm Management Group Tuesday 11th February from 2 - 4pm  Next MFMG event is 11th February - Irrigation Field Day at Bool Lagoon Developing local agricultural leaders throughout the South East region, across different industries and organisations.
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Page title:Mackillop Farm Management Group
Keywords:MacKillop Farm Management Group, research, extension, trials, projects, farming, farm businesses, White Clover Growers Association, farm management, agribusiness, Irrigation Management, livestock, pastures, linking, farmers, SEPLA, South East Prime Livestock Achievers
Description:The MacKillop Farm Management Group (MFMG) is a producer driven non-profit organization undertaking research and extension programmes in South East South Australia. MacKillop is a partnership between the farming community, research and extension agencies and agribusiness. The aim of the MFMG is to increase the profitability and sustainability of primary production into the future.