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Forestry & Forest Products Research Centre - South Africa

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Description: Contract research in forestry, wood quality, wood properties, pulp and paper, sawmilling, remote sensing; and software programs for the forestry and forest products industry.
FFP Forestry and Forest Products a quick guide to what's here... - the Forestry and Forest Products Research Centre is a leading provider of research and services for plantation forestry and forest products industries in Southern Africa and worldwide.
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Page title:FFP Forestry and Forest Products
Keywords:university, eucalyptus, research centre, forestry, wood products, pine, research center, research, pulp and paper, pinus, forest products, csir, wood properties, postgraduate study, wood anatomy, ffp, sawmilling, wood chemistry, forest resource, eucalypt, university of kwazulu/natal, postdoctoral study, postdoctoral studies, postgraduate education, postgraduate studies, wood fibre quality, wood fiber quality, wood fibre management, wood fiber management, sawmill simulation, sawmill production planning, pulp and paper research, log grading, wood quality, wood quality research, wood image analysis, wood densitometry, near infra red, wood characteristic measurements, plantation forestry, postgrad studies, gis
Description:Contract research and postgraduate studies in wood quality, wood properties, pulp and paper, sawmilling, forestry