- 81
- British Columbia Forest Service Research Branch
- Details include publications, software for download, and details of research and projects.
- 82
- Charles L. Pack Forest - University of Washington College of Forest Resources
- Pack forest provides virtual hikes, educational programs, interactive games and tours, videos and information on research, events and outreach. Geospatial data, conference center bookings, timber sales and forest operations information.
- 83
- Cloquet Forestry Center - University of Minnesota
- The principal forestry field station of the University of Minnesota. It serves as a regional and national center for instructional, research, and outreach programs for the natural resources community.
- 84
- Cooperative Forest Genetics Research Project - University of Florida
- Develops genetically-improved varieties of southern pines for the reforestation of harvested timberlands in the lower coastal plain of the southern United States. Provides technical assistance, research support and educational resources.
- 85
- European Forest Institute
- An independent non-governmental organisation conducting European forest research.
- 86
- Forestry & Forest Products Research Centre - South Africa
- Contract research in forestry, wood quality, wood properties, pulp and paper, sawmilling, remote sensing; and software programs for the forestry and forest products industry.
- 87
- HJ Andrews Experimental Forest
- Located in the Pacific Northwest. Offers research data, publications, and information as well as links to other Long-term ecological research sites(LTER).
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- Harvard Forest - Harvard University
- A base for research and education in forest biology. Focus on silviculture and forest management, soils and the development of forest site concepts, the biology of temperate and tropical trees, forest ecology and economics and ecosystem dynamics. Links to research data, publications, education and outreach.
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- Institute for Redwood Ecology
- Professor Stephen Sillett is undertaking canopy research to expand knowledge of redwood forests and their ecology.
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- Kerala Forest Research Institute
- Established under the Science and Technology policy adopted by the Government of Kerala as an autonomous institution to undertake research in forestry and biodiversity.
- 91
- Lubrecht Experimental Forest: University of Montana
- Contains information on the history of the forest, conference center, research programs, ecosystem learning center and staff.
- 92
- METLA: Finnish Forest Research Institute
- An independent research organization under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. It produces research-based information for decision-makers, forest industries and practical forestry, as well as for the public at large.
- 93
- National Council for Forest Research and Development
- Ireland based site containing information on research publications, news, events, funding programs and vacancies.
- 94
- Olympic Natural Resources Center - University of Washington
- Events, news, research and education. Archive of Olympic Peninsula geospatial and biological data.
- 95
- Rural Technology Initiative - University of Washington
- Objective is to use better technology to manage forests in rural areas for increased product and environmental values in support of local communities. Links to projects, calendar, seminars and publications.
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- The Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study (CLAMS) - Oregon State
- A multi-disciplinary research effort to analyze the aggregate ecological, economic, and social consequences of forest policies of different land owners in the Coast Range. Links to maps, projects, data, publications and general information.
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- USDA Forest Service Research and Development
- Operates eight forestry and forest products research stations around the U.S.