- 81
- Virginia Tech Department of Dairy Science
- Includes information on the department, and on goat milk production.
- 82
- Australian Pig Science Association
- This organisation aims to provide a forum for excellence in science related to all aspects of the pig industry. Gives information on membership, conferences, publications and awards.
- 83
- Basic Pig Husbandry: Gilts and Sows
- Provides guidance on selection and care of gilts and sows, the mating, gestation and pre-farrowing periods, farrowing, after-farrowing care and the lactation period. [PDF]
- 84
- Basic Pig Husbandry: The Boar
- Provides guidance on selecting boars, mating management, feed requirements, disease control programs, detusking and reluctance to work. [PDF]
- 85
- Mycotoxin in Swine Diets
- Provides information on the consequences of feeding swine food contaminated with aflatoxin and other molds. [PDF]
- 86
- Prairie Swine Centre
- Conducts research on behalf of western Canadian pork producers. Specializing in the areas of nutrition, swine behaviour, engineering, and environment.
- 87
- Primefacts: The Grower Herd
- Provides guidance on feeding growing pigs, diseases, grading and temperature control and the importance of weighing and managing the finishers. [PDF]
- 88
- Primefacts: The Litter
- Provides information on managing newborn piglets, fostering and artificial rearing, routine tasks and creep feeding. [PDF]
- 89
- Primefacts: The Weaner
- Discusses different types of weaning and their associated problems, and offers guidance on pre-weaning management, the weaning procedure and suitable weaning housing. [PDF]
- 90
- Behavioral Principles of Livestock Handling
- Information regarding livestock handling and stress reduction.
- 91
- Cornell Teaching and Research Center Sheep Farm
- Aims to evaluate economical methods of managing a highly productive flock to provide sheep for research, teaching, and extension programs.
- 92
- Evaluating Farm Resources and Sheep Production Systems
- Article helps the shepherd identify and evaluate resources that are available on the farm and to match these assets to an appropriate production system.
- 94
- FlockFiler: Complete Software for Sheep Records
- FlockFiler is a computer database for keeping health, management, and breeding records of sheep. For Windows and Macintosh, FlockFiler is suitable for any shepherd and for flocks of any size.
- 95
- Guidelines for Using Donkeys as Guard Animals with Sheep
- This paper summarizes some of the management guidelines and other factors which may improve the likelihood of a donkey becoming a successful livestock guard animal.
- 97
- Introduction to Sheep Farming
- Training book and courses on all aspects of sheep farming. Advice on breeding a predigree flock
- 98
- J & K's Sheep Page
- Features links to sheep care education and information, breeds and wool information, sheep jokes, and foot and mouth information.