- 61
- Pollination Beekeepers
- Management information for both home and commercial fruit and vegetable pollination.
- 62
- Pollination: The Forgotten Agricultural Input
- Article by Dr. M. Sanford on the importance of honey bees to agriculture.
- 63
- Slovenian Beekeeping
- Organizations, on-line education project, research facilities. History of beekeeping and videos of bee behavior (Slovene + English).
- 65
- The Practical Beekeeper
- Natural beekeeping without treatments for pests or diseases and only minimal interventions. By Michael Bush, author of the three volume book set: "The Practical Beekeeper."
- 68
- AgBiotechNet
- This site contains news, reviews, abstracts, reports, jobs, conferences and links on agricultural biotechnology, including animals.
- 69
- Embryo Transfer in Cattle
- Article by Ross Wilson explaining the concepts and practicalities of this procedure.
- 70
- McIntosh Embryo Transfer
- Ontario's largest embryo transfer business. Flushing, freezing, exporting of embryos. Quick thaw instructions.
- 71
- National Association of Animal Breeders
- Members are insemination services, semen sources, and research organizations. NAAB sponsors a research program and provides information about artificial insemination.
- 72
- SIL: Sheep Improvement Limited
- Provides state of the art genetic information to New Zealand ram breeders.
- 73
- Animal Info - Wild Yak
- Biology, ecology, habitat, and status of the yak, and information on its wild habitat, including biodiversity, ecosystems, population, and land use.
- 74
- Beef Stocker USA
- Designed specifically for beef producers who background and/or run stocker or yearling cattle on various forages across the United States. A service of Kansas State University.
- 75
- Body Condition Scoring
- Body condition scoring serves as a management tool to determine the nutritional needs of a cow herd. Using a numeric scoring system from 1 to 9, cattlemen can evaluate cows in the field to estimate body energy reserves.
- 76
- Wagra Dexter
- Provides information on the Dexter breed of cattle and the Wagra farm in Victoria, Australia.
- 77
- British Mastitis Conference
- An annual UK conference for anyone with an interest in dairy farming. Website also has full papers from previous conferences.
- 78
- Dairy Cattle Publications
- A list of publications on dairy production, as PDF files. From Oklahoma State University.