- 1
- Allan Variance -- Overview by David W. Allan
- Core algorithm of international time scale has multiple metrology applications, from atomic clock frequency characterization to definition of the meter. Equation, explanation and publications.
- 2
- Antique Horology
- The Horological Foundation's directory of web sites for watches, clocks, instruments and barometers.
- 3
- Cumbria Clock Company
- Company specialized in all aspects of work connected with church clocks, public clocks, and tower clocks which includes the full historical restoration of antique clock movements.
- 4
- David Knight - Watchmaker from UK
- Articles and pictures of the first two watches made by David Knight. Rich artistic pictures.
- 5
- Horology - The Index
- Horology is the science of time, timekeeping and timekeepers. Organized collection of links to horological websites globally.
- 6
- Jens Olsen's Astronomical Clock
- Description of the restoration of Jens Olsen's Astronomical Clock, a masterpiece in Copenhagen City Hall that consists of 15.448 individual parts.
- 7
- Mark Frank's Home Page
- Website showing the restoration of a French flat bed tower clock in great detail, step by step, as well as other information and links of tower clock sites.
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- Pocket Horology
- National chapter of the NAWCC dedicated to collaborative research on the history and horology of pocket watches.
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