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- OpenStreetMap
- A rights-free map of the world being created by volunteers using copyright free sources and GPS tracks. Includes an interactive map and details of how to get involved.
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- Map Kibera
- Project to map one of Africa's largest slums in Nairobi, Kenya. Includes the map, a project wiki, dicussion groups and photos.
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- OpenStreetMap: Using and Improving the Free World Map
- Website to accompany a German-language book about the OSM project. [Some site content in German only.]
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- Switch 2 OSM
- Advocacy site which encourages websites to switch to OSM for their online maps. Includes technical information and case studies.
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- Wikipedia: OpenStreetMap
- Encyclopedia article about the open mapping project, with history, details of techniques, licensing information, and usage.
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- The Globe, Mapped by You
- Openstreetmap chairman Simon Poole is interviewed about the project to create a freely available map of the world. (March 01, 2013)
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- MapQuest Dev Blog: MapQuest Opens Up – in the UK
- Post detailing MaoQuest's experimental use of OSM data. (July 09, 2010)
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- OpenStreetBrowser
- Online map with browsable and searchable point-of-interest database, to locate tourist attractions, businesses, and transport options.
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- OpenStreetMap Hike & Bike Map
- A hiking and biking map using OpenStreetMap data, with hillshading, contours and hiking symbols.
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- Mountain-bike, bicycle, and hiking maps based on OpenStreetMap data, available to download to Garmin GPS devices.
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- Gosm
- Gtk OpenStreetMap application that allows browsing data and rendering maps. Site includes project information, system requirements, software manual, screenshots and download.
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- Kosmos
- A lightweight OpenStreetMap map rendering platform. Includes overview, download, documentation, and FAQs.
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- A Perl based rendering engine that takes a .osm file and a style file, and generates SVG output. Includes software download, list of features, usage examples, and style file syntax.
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- OSM SlippyMap Generator
- Simplifies the process of creating a SlippyMap based on OpenLayers are OpenStreetMap Tiles. Users complete a configuration form, and can then download a complete HTML file to use on their own website.
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- Overpass API
- Online service that allows the fetching of specific OSM data using scripting constructs to define what is required.
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- Public Transport Line Diagram
- Generates a rendered diagram of a public transport route with stop names positions along the line.
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