Attending to Learning Styles in Mathematics and Science Classrooms
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Scan day: 11 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name dealing with how learning styles impacts the way students learn math and science material.
Attending to Learning Styles in Mathematics and Science Classrooms. ERIC Digest. Attending to Learning Styles in Mathematics and Science Classrooms. ERIC Digest. by Thomson, Barbara S. - Mascazine, John R.
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Page title: | Attending to Learning Styles in Mathematics and Science Classrooms. ERIC Digest. |
Keywords: | Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Style, Concept Formation, Constructivism (Learning), Educational Change, Elementary Secondary Education, Mathematics Curriculum, Mathematics Education, Science Curriculum, Science Education |
Description: | Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name dealing with Attending to Learning Styles in Mathematics and Science Classrooms. |
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