Methods and Theories
- 21
- New Directions for Cooperative Education
- Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which explains new trends in active (cooperative) learning research.
- 22
- Brain Research: Implications for Second Language Learning
- Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which details how brain functions can impact the skills for learning a second language.
- 23
- Valiant, Etc.
- Resources on brain based learning, scientific inquiry, and Native American curricula. Includes news, forums and user-generated content.
- 25
- Charter Schools: An Approach for Rural Education?
- Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which examines charters schools in the rural setting.
- 26
- How Well Are Charter Schools Serving Urban and Minority Students?
- Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which examines if charter schools are actually helping minority students in urban settings.
- 27
- Constructivism, Workplace Learning, and Vocational Education
- Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which shows how constructivism relates to vocational education.
- 28
- Cooperative Education - Wikipedia
- Encyclopedia article which details the history and application of cooperative education.
- 29
- Changing Schools through Experiential Education - ERIC Digest
- Overview outlining the potential of experiential education in restructuring schools towards activity-based programs combining action and reflection.
- 30
- Definitions, Elements and Boundaries of Experiential Learning - ERIC Digest
- Comparative overview of experiential education, outdoor education and environmental education with an analysis of their respective definitions and a discussion of their foci and purposes.
- 31
- Improving Evaluation in Experiential Education - ERIC Digest
- Methods and examples of evaluating experiential education as well as arguments for using evaluation to refine programming and enhance student learning.
- 32
- Introduction to Experiential Education - Wikipedia
- Encyclopedia article that summarizes the philosophy of experiential education and exemplifies different practices.
- 33
- Attending to Learning Styles in Mathematics and Science Classrooms
- Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name dealing with how learning styles impacts the way students learn math and science material.
- 34
- Hispanic-American Students and Learning Style
- Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which examines how the learning styles of Hispanic students differ from other students.
- 36
- Seven Learning Styles
- Linguistic, logical, spatial, musical, bodily, interpersonal, and intrapersonal learning styles introduced and discussed.
- 37
- International Montessori Index
- Practical information for parents and teachers, with links to Montessori school lists, lectures, conferences, workshops, teacher training courses, educational materials, and a home schooling guide.