Methods and Theories
- 1
- ERIC Digests
- Provides full-text access to ERIC Digests in many education areas including learning theories, teaching, special education, charter schools, and home schooling.
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- The Search for Meaning in Educational Research
- This article explores different senses of the concept of meaning in educational research, presenting ‘meaning’ as personal (the researcher’s quest for meaning through research), contextual (meaning in relation to linguistics and culture) and shared (through communication), offering illustrative examples from the literature and from her own work.
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- ARCS Model for Motivation in Instructional Design
- This is the ERIC Digest article which looks at how the ARCS model can be used in instructional design.
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- Instructional Design and Learning
- Group's mission is to identify and develop knowledge and practical skills for designing, developing, and implementing technical instruction in electronic and traditional classroom settings. Mail list, resource links.
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- Knowledge Management in Instructional Design
- This is the ERIC Digest dealing with how knowledge management can aid instructional design.
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- Tools for Automating Instructional Design
- This is the ERIC Digest article covering tools for automating the instructional design process.
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- Business Thinking Meta Model
- Describes the model which is composed of three thinking patterns such as proactive thinking, reactive thinking, and passive thinking.
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- Resource for educators and others interested in informal education, youth work, community development and lifelong learning.
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- Multiple Intelligences: Gardner's Theory
- Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which examines the theory of Howard Gardner relating to multiple intelligences and how it might relate to student learning.
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- Ritmia
- Describes a form of music education and of motion activity aimed to bridge a gap left by the traditional teaching methods.
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- Youth Motivation Using Natural Learning Environments
- Motivating at-risk youth by employing natural learning environments consistent with the learning personality of the individual student rather than with traditional schooling models.
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- Reasoning and Being Rational
- Many teachers expect students to be rational, but don't explain what that means. Improve your reasoning. An essay by Rick Garlikov. (December 17, 2002)
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- A Web Based Course in Clinical Pharmacology for Advanced Medical Students
- Offers insights on how these educators set up a pharmacolgy class online.
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- Usage of Content in Web-Supported Academic Courses
- In this study, computer logs are used in order to evaluate how online contents are consumed, the individual differences among students in terms of contents usage are investigated as are the amount of contents that is presented in courses' web-supported sites.
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- Active Learning - Wikipedia
- Encyclopedia article detailing the history and application of active learning theory.