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Practical School Security

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Scan day: 11 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Basic guidelines for safe and secure schools. This book is a simple, concise, and thorough explanation of basic professional school security issues and practices.
School Safety and Security Book School Safety and Security Book Basic Guidelines for Safe and Secure Schools School Safety Congressional Testimony: School Board News NSBA Convention 2007 San Francisco
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Phone&Fax: 800-818-7243


Page title:School Safety and Security Book
Keywords:school safety, school security, school crisis, school bombs, school violence, Kenneth Trump, school security assessments, school crime prevention, safe drug free schools, school guns,school weapons, school security expert witness, community policing, school police, school resource officers, school safety center, school gangs, Columbine, school deaths, school shootings, school security training, youth violence, school security consultant, national school safety security, Ken Trump, school fight, student threats,zero tolerance, metal detectors,safe schools, school crisis plans, school risk management, elementary school, middle school, high school, junior high school, school house hype
Description:Practical, cost-effective school security and school safety resource book.